Instagram has become an important platform for many people and businesses to promote their brands, share their lives and interact with their fans. For cross-border sellers, it is even an extremely important channel to promote and attract traffic. However, sometimes a user’s Instagram account may be blocked, which may bring distress and loss to the user.

Here are some common behaviors that are blocked, so please be careful to avoid them:

1. Inappropriate content: Posting content that violates Instagram community guidelines, such as nudity, violence, self-harm, or copyrighted material.

2. Spamming: Engaging in spam-like behavior, including excessive following/unfollowing or double commenting.

3. Automation and bots: using unauthorized third-party applications or services to automate activity on Instagram violates the platform’s Terms of Service.

4. Buying Followers or Likes: Buying fake engagement is easily detected by Instagram’s algorithms and is a direct violation of the platform’s policies.

5. Copyright infringement: Overseas platforms generally place a high priority on copyright issues, and if you are accused of copyright infringement on Instagram, your account may have its functionality restricted.

6. User complaints or reports: Multiple users make complaints or reports about the same account.

7. Frequent posting: If you post too many posts in a day, your account may be recognized as a bot account.

8. Frequent device and IP address changes: Frequent use of unstable networks or frequent IP and device changes by the same account. It will be considered by the system as a spam marketing account used by many people or at risk of theft.

How to Avoid Instagram Blocking?

1. Stabilize IP and device: Ins account is logged in with Facebook account, so you must pay attention to IP and device issues when logging into ins. Avoid logging into multiple ins accounts on the same device or the same IP, which will easily lead to account association blocking.

Users can use antidetct browser to keep the IP and device of the account stable, such as MuLogin antidetect browser, to create a separate environment for each Instagram account to log in. MuLogin can create unlimited device fingerprints, so that each browser environment to log in to the Ins account is unique; with the use of proxy IPs, it is like logging in on different computers and networks. This way, even if you have multiple ins accounts, you can be sure that the IP and device are stable and will not be associated with a blocked account. Free 3-day trial for new users!

2. Avoid spamming: sending a lot of spam or spamming comments can lead to account bans, keep the frequency of posting reasonable.

3. Don’t send posts that are officially prohibited by Instagram or strange posts.

4. Avoid frequent operations: such as following and liking a large number of people at once, frequently sending private messages to unfamiliar accounts, and posting frantically every day.

How New Accounts Operate to Appear More Authentic:

1. Make your account as complete as possible and try to associate other social accounts with it;

2. 1-2 posts at a time is enough;

3. Respond to other users’ actions, such as return to follow, like, etc.;

4. Search for random content;

5. Occasionally comment on or like other people’s content;

6. Check your personal messages and notifications;

Abiding by platform rules, growing followers naturally, and avoiding abusive behavior are all key to keeping your account safe. If an account is inadvertently banned, it is crucial to take timely countermeasures and file a complaint to avoid unnecessary risks to your account.